Archive for the World of Warcraft Category

Sorry, Warlords has kept me busy.

Posted in Uncategorized, Warlords Of Dreanor, World of Warcraft on December 6, 2014 by Banhammer

My last Blog was on the 15th November, a few days after Warlords of Dreanor’s release, during the time period we shall call “The Troubles” a dark time to be sure! But since then things with WoD have improved greatly and have been very busy levelling 5 of my characters in WoD content. The first of my characters to level to 100 is, of course Banhammer, here is that moment in glorious techniclour!

Dinging level 100 in Spires of Arak zone.

Dinging level 100 in Spires of Arak zone.

The Garrison system is very enjoyable and this is the reason I have been levelling 5 characters. Each garrison (eventually) will get an Ore mine and a Herb garden which you can harvest even if you do not have those gathering professions. So with this in mind I am making sure I have 3 Alliance characters and 2 Horde Characters with functioning level 2 garrisons to get the most out of these places. My Herbalist/Alchemist Shaman has a nice supply of herbs to play with and Banhammer conversely has a nice supply of True Steel ore heading his way šŸ™‚

Questing wise each zone seems to be telling it’s part of the story, even if you don’t entirely follow the questing flow, you know quest here a little, then move over there and quest a little more, then travel back, the story does not feel broken or disjointed. NPC characters that you started the expansion with crop up every now and then to lead you through some more of the story line and then go away again, for me it just adds further to the whole feeling you are part of something bigger rather than being a powerful hero, super soldiering your way through everything the world has to offer without so much as breaking a sweat.

I wonder where my fish has gone?

I wonder where my fish has gone?

I must say professions are a little weird this time around, Blizzard has made this effort to include garrison buildings and helpers into the mix, which pretty much means you cannot really make anything quick without having the correct garrison building. Banhammer (naturally) is a Blacksmith and Miner, he can smelt the True Steel ore once a day (Cooldown resets in the morning), this gives him a minimum of 4 bars and currently up to 7, this ammount should increase the closer I get to 700 skill in Blacksmithing. He can also give the forge master “Work Orders” to make True Steel and they will make a bar every 3 hours (or something like that). The downside to this is that the best items take 100 True Steel bars to make and since getting the Garrsion forge up and running I have only managed to get enough True Steel to make 3 items.

Lucky the top end items Banhammer can make are iLevel 630 and can be upgrades, well it says something like “Stage 1 of 3” in the tool tip, but you can on wear three “Warlords forges items”, not sure if this means rings and neck items made as well or just the armour, time and research will tell. Overall though I think they took a step in the right direction of making Blacksmithing useful again but then brought it back and hobbled it in other ways.

Ok, well I am heading back into Dreanor to continue questing, hopefully I have a better blog next time and not just cobbled something together.

I’m done. . .for a week at least!!

Posted in Warlords Of Dreanor, World of Warcraft on November 15, 2014 by Banhammer

All the excitement, the build up, the pre-patch event, all signs pointed to Warlords of Dreanor being truly epic. I mean it’s gotta go smooth there is no way after 10 years and 4 previous expansion packs could Blizzard fuck it up on launch night again, could they?

Well it turns out they can, they not only managed to have the servers die when the expansion went live, for once I was in a position to actually be there, it went something like this:

Server: Warlords of Dreanor expansion is now live!
Players: To the portal lads!
Server: Poop, weeze, crash!
Players: Disconnected, what the Hell Blizz?
Server: Character not found!
Player: I’ll try again! *logins in*
Server: Grats you’ve login in, have fun in Pandaria!
Player: Pandaria? I was in Blasted lands, What am I. . . Ā . . *Disconnected*
Server: Grats you are logged in, No characters found!

Rinse and repeat!

Went to bed.

Friday I got to play, for 20 minutes, at 5:30am before I left for work!, got home from work around 1pm played for 2 hours, logged out to go shower and other duties. Since then it’s been nothing but queues every since! The EU forum Blues have turtled and gone into their shells as they do each and every Ā time the game has a major fuck up! They just don’t say a word because the people “up top”, that is to say the US Blues have to post first, then we get some weak CS Blue cut and paste the respone and post it in the EU forums, Warcraft’s Twitter feed is totally focused on the NA game and the EU gets a token mention every now and then, when they remember us!

This is why I stopped bothering to report cheats and bots to them, the EU Blues are just weak, pointless individuals with no ability to doing anything helpful for the EU players beyond censoring forum posts! You know what happened the last time I reported a bot to Blizzard? I was sent an in game mail saying thanks for reporting the bot then telling me it was against the rules to buy gold for cash or use bots!!!! W T F I am the one reporting the bot and then I get a warning note about botting or buying gold!!!!!
So I don’t bother any more, let the bots play, let them ruin the laughable “economy” people still thinks matter in this game, Blizzard do not care, they take the subs each week and rub the cash on the Bashioks naked body!

Queue’s beyond measure!

I’m done, had enough, Ā£35 finest British pounds, paid straight into Blizzard’s account for the expansion and I get to queue to play the game! I have 18 days left on my current subscription time, I think that is just enough to leave the game for a week, while they sort out this bullshit, then come back get to level 100 and unsubscribe. I will spend the next week seriously considering if I will resubscribe!

I know it’s “only a game” but this is what I choose to spend my free time doing, I shouldn’t get annoyed, but this has been the worst launch of a Warcraft expansion pack, I am getting the feeling Activision has either hired people from EA to help with the launch or at least took advice on how to many some cash on selling company stocks and shares!!!

Counting down to Warlords of Dreanor!

Posted in Dailies, Paladin, Transmog, Warlords Of Dreanor, World of Warcraft with tags on November 6, 2014 by Banhammer

Been a for days since the last blog post so I am sure those of you that read this are desperate for an update as to what I have been doing! Well Banhammer have been spanking old raids in the effort to get tier armour sets for transmogging, to date Banhammer has collected his TierĀ 6 Lawbringer set, but I could find a weapon that looked good with this set. I the end I settled for the sword in the picture.

On a brighter note I have also (finally) got the helm to drop from Prince Malchezaar in Karazhan, it has taken 5 runs, once a week for 5 weeks, including one week where I failed to solo the Chess Event twice and gave up and went to bed lol. Lucky for me then that not only did the Tier 4 helm token drop, but before I went to Karazhan I did Gruul’s Lair and the Hammer of Naaru, I’ve not seen it drop in Gruul’s until now, so I am a happy camper and Banhammer is walking around dressed in the Tier 4 Justicar armour and armed with the 2 handed Hammer of Naaru and looks just like the Dreanei Paladin that featured in the Burning Crusade cinematic šŸ˜€

Although I still need to find a suitable belt and boots, not that Dreanei can really wear boots what with the hooves (still wearing the Lightbringer ones in the picture) but the set is complete and I no longer need to run those instances unless it’s for an alt or a friend wants something, phew!

I’m not sure I like the look of many of the other Paladin armour sets so I’ll stop grinding old raids now in favour of finishing of some rep grinds and of course the never ending gold grind. Not sure on how much things will cost in Warlords of Dreanor but I have 5 days till we can get through the portal and start kicking Iron Horde but cheeks šŸ™‚

Tier 4 Justicar armour set

A happy Paladin is a smiling Paladin!

Lightbringer tier 6 armour

Complete set of Lightbringer Tier 6 armour.


Turning into Gollum!

Posted in Destiny, Paladin, World of Warcraft on October 24, 2014 by Banhammer

“I must have the precious, I must! The precious must belongs to me!” – Banhammer, Paladin October 2014

What is the precious? well I’ll tell you, it’s a ring (naturally) that the Headless Horseman in Scarlet Monastery, to be precise this one, Band of the Petrified Pumpkin. Banhammer requires this, no! he NEEDS it! But can he get the bloody thing? The short answer (in more ways than one) is no! He has run the daily since the start of the event and has also been back in there around 40 other times. In all those visits I have seen the ring twice, yep twice. Both caster rings and the agility rings I have seen over and over again, getting sick of the sight of them to be honest, I just press greed and leave before the roll is completed. My Mage, Shaman, Monk and Hunter all have their rings, heck it’s the only thing that seems to drop, but not poor Banhammer (Or to that matter Saintangus!)


The object of Banhammers desires!

To vent his frustrations Banhammer has been beating up the poor denizens of the old Burning Crusade raids, The Sunwell, The Eye, Serpent Shrine Caverns, Magtheridon’s lair, Gruul’s Lair, Mount Hyjal and Black Temple have all suffered Banhammer’sĀ mighty rage. To the point that he now has almost completed quite a few tier sets for Transmogging, so something good came out of all this!

Oh to have a Destiny, or a Halo!

I broke and finally bought Destiny for my PS3 (still saving for the PS4) and it’s just as I thought it would be, Halo-esque with a MMO style grind attached to it, a little melodramaticĀ I know but it’s my blog! lol.Ā I know it’s a controversial view to have but for me the Halo games are just “Meh!” I’ve played them all, well the first person shooter ones at least, they never thrilled me, the universe didn’t excite me and the game just lacked any emotion. I don’t mean sobbing characters and heart rending death scenes but the game mechanics was just so dry!

I’ll try to explain further, let’s start with jumping. Look I get it, Master Chief is wearing some super power armour, yet apart from the in game view rising and then lowering you don’t even feel like your pressed the jump button. Now let’s take a look at weapons, the only games that you could ADS (Aim Down Sights) is the Sniper rifle and the pistol (I’ll point out this is from memory alone, if there was others I don’t remember them). MC (as I shall now call him) seems not to require putting a gun to his shoulder and aiming, despite nearly every human weapon having a butt stock?.

Now on to my favourite gripe with the Halo series, Halo ODST! That game was like stepping back in time to a place where we had lost the last few years of graphical improvement in the Halo series, now Halo 3 was a graphically great looking game, I won’t deny it, Bungie certainly put some effort into (most) of the environments in that game, ODST, which released around 2 years after Halo 3, looked and played like a game that was started, stopped, forgotten about, dusted off, finished and sold to Halo fans as it was cheaper than throwing it away and starting again!

The plot was thin, the graphics inexplicably poor when you compare it to the (almost) 2 year old Halo 3, The bad guys (heck I couldn’t even be bothered to look up their names), the Covenant (I looked at the Wiki in the end) have attacked a city, yet the city bares very little evidence of such a vicious attack? just a few wrecked vehicles, the streets are very clean with a distinct lack of rubble and bodies, such neat a tidy invading aliens aren’t they!

Anyway I digress, I put the disc for Destiny in the PS3 and begin the install process, which seems to actually be that I have to download the game from the internet, kinda makes you wonder what is actually on the disc doesn’t it? I picked the Titan class and started of on my journey around. . . .erm, Earth and the Solar system. I have been reasonably pleased with the game so far, despite the lack of any explanation as to what is going on in the game after the initial plot lay out, lot’s of people “could” tell me but they won’t! huh?

You character seems to react to jumps and lands with a thump if you go to high, plenty of aiming down sights, although there seems to be a lack of weapons and all seem to be a slightly better version of what you already have which is a shame. Environments beat Halo hands down, just so much better (as to be expected) but the core game it’s self is just about killing mobs, go to this location, kill mobs, scan location, go to next location to kill mobs, there seems to be nothing beyond that. . . . so far. I’ve even found myself just grinding on packs of mobs across a location to level up and not actually doing the missions or the “story” mode.

Talking of Story mode, it’s so unremarkable, I guessing someone could tell me, but they won’t! lol I’ve got as far as Venus and I just don’t remember anything about the story or even why I am there! I go from diamond mission indicator to diamond. . Ā .you get the idea just shooting mobs, preferably in the head for the quick kill! For me Destiny is an improvement on Halo but it’s certainly the metaphorical apple that hasn’t fallen far from the tree. I am planning on completing the story mode at least, that is if I can stop going to Scarlet Monastery or playing GTA Online, I do love Ā race! Just don’t think I’ll be playing Destiny long enough to see where future DLC will take the game, but my guess it the story is done until Destiny 2, time will tell!

(Oh over 1000 words, spelling and typos are Copyright Banhammer and will be fixed as and when I see them)


Let’s Race!

Posted in GTA Online, World of Warcraft with tags , on October 15, 2014 by Banhammer

I’ve jumped back into GTA V Online for the last few days, now a heady 131, each and every RP earned, not a single one glitched or cheated, honest as the day is long, odd for a game about crime and illegal street racing lol.

Mainly I will participate in races, I have about a 40% win rate, not good but the primary goal is to finish and get the RP’s and GTA$, throw in a few survivals and a mission or two and I am set for the evening,

After completing this game to 100% and getting my one and only platinum PS3 trophy from GTA, I am actually looking forward to this on the PS4 when it finally hits the shelves, I am even planning on repeating that process when I get my grubby hands on it šŸ™‚

GTA Online needs a few improvements tho make it really great, ranging from game mechanics to cosmetics. Firstly I think you should be allowed to add race decals, numbers, logos etc to car doors, maybe even have a “Racing Skin”. If you go to the effort of customising a car, paint job, bumpers, lights, exhaust etc then that should be represented in races where you have to race a “stock” car and you happen to own one of them.

Me and my "Team Lotus" coloured Zentoro!

Me and my “Team Lotus” coloured Zentoro!

Also the ability for us to play our own music off our HDD’s would be great, most of the time I actually turn off the radio in the menus/options as soon as I can, some of the songs they have included are pretty good, the restĀ are just ok, Banging down the road with Slipknot blaring from my in car radio would be just awesome!

The post race “Job select” screen needs a revamp, if I am there to race, it should contain races, not give me 6 out of 6 options that are Team Death Match!, sure put the option down the side to change the game mode if people want to vote for a mode change but give me races!!! I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve joined a group of random people in game and we just stick to race after race after race, then all of a sudden the game starts putting more and more alternative game modes in (and a few poor race choices) and the impromptu group just breaks up.

One final thing that is a must Rockstar if you ever read this add the ability to MUTE players like you can in COD! The amount of idiots that let us hear them argue with family, or chat about school work or going to the pub or, and the most annoying thing, sing or play music at us over their mics! stop it, just stop it please!

In other news. . .

Been about two weeks till I resubbed to WoW, not really getting that WoW factor out of it, not that I am disliking the game, hoping that will all change when WoD is released in November. The new models in Patch 6.0.2 are pretty decent and a welcome change to the game (although to be honest about 2 years to late!) the quest line for fighting the Iron Horde at the dark portal was pretty good fun, if somewhat crowded on the first day.

Banhammer in his new all sparkly pixelness!


My barely adequate psychic defenses are crumbling!

Posted in Paladin, Uncategorized, World of Warcraft with tags , , on September 27, 2014 by Banhammer

If anyone got that reference in the title, you’ve earned 10 internet points. šŸ™‚

Two games at the moment are playing on my mind, the first one Destiny, you may have heard of it, is Bungie’s offering to the gaming world since Micro$oft to their business partnership to the big barn on the farm and shot it in the head! In all honesty I had no issue with this, as I have no love for Bungie.

I thought the whole extent of the Halo series of games was at best playable but ultimately, a wet, flat, emotionless game. Story wise it was great, I think I would have enjoyed Halo more if I just read it as a Sci-Fi novel. The only weapons (that I remember) that offered ADS (Aim Down Sights) was the Sniper Rifle (naturally) and a Pistol! Say Whaaaaaat!!

The ADS issue combine with the gravity deifying leaps, yes yes he was wearing a powered armoured suit does not mean he had thrusters to defy gravity as well! Being shot at and hit was hardly noticeable with the shield, even with it depleted I barely noticed being shot and hit. When compared to Call of Duty there is a physical reaction on screen to being hit.

Then we get to Halo ODST, that was like taking the game back to the stone age, Considering the bad guys was in the process of destroying the cities and theĀ population there seemed very little in the way of battle damage and bodies, I think I got about 4 missions in and quit.

So when Destiny was announced I was just not interested and when it hit the shelves the loot issues and grindy aspect of the game kinda justified my opinion of Bungie (which is to say they make “ok” games) and I have not bought the game. However my son does own a copy, but he actually likes Halo, so we got him a copy for his PS4 (I am still using my PS3).

I played Destiny for a while, only got to level 3 so far, it still feels like a Bungie game, but it has more “feeling” to it, you still play a “Master Chief” like character, the loot issues and other issues players have been effected by just underscores Bungie’s lack of planning, I mean if your going to make a Space MMO (that is not quite and MMO but is an MMO, sorta?) then getting someone who knows MMO and the things you need to put in place for the game to work would have been a bonus!

Despite all that, I’ve been kinda feeling the urge to buy the game, today I almost did, it’s Ā£50 on PS Store and Ā£50 in Game on the High Street, for me this is too high of a price tag for a Bungie game, especially one where the studio seems to have shut up shop, (I hope to work on the issue) and do not seem to be speaking much about player concerns, Hmm, if only there was a way for Bungie to interact with it’s player base and assure them that they are aware if the issue and are looking into it?

If you read all that, have another 10 points and now read about game two.

I’ve also been fighting the urge to re-subscribe to World of Warcraft, I float between two reasons for why I should re-sub and why I shouldn’t (right now at least). Part of me does want to play again, I miss my Paladins, Banhammer (Deanei) and Saintangus (Tauren), heck I even miss my Shaman, Lowping (another Dreanei). But the thought of becoming WoW’d out by the time Warlords of Dreanor release date is what stops me. I would get home from work every day, login, do dailies, do Heroics, pottle around the world mining, etc then notice it’s all I am doing as their is no new content, just yet, and that I have no real life friends playing who I can go down the pub with and talk WoW with (as we all used to do).

I miss Azeroth, I miss my IRL friends being their, I struggle to make friends in WoW, not because I am an unsociable person but I think it’s because there is very little chance I will meet them in real life or if I was to meet them in real life it would involve a lot of travel and I like my home comforts and when I am not comfortable I get twitchy and want to leave! No really I do, I am not a great traveler if I know I can’t get home easy! lol sad I know.

Oh and the reference in the title was. . . .Ā 

. . .was from a TV show from my childhood called “The Young Ones” in one episode a hippy says the line in the title, I felt it fit the theme of the blog post.

Timeless Isles. Timeless fools.

Posted in pve, pvp, Timeless Isle, Uncategorized, World of Warcraft with tags , , , on December 30, 2013 by Banhammer

The Timeless Isle is not exactly new, I know, but I only visited it a few times before I un-subscribed from World of Warcraft. When I re-subbed one of the things I wanted to do, actually bother the complete the quest chain and so see where it lead.

Well it wasn’t that exciting, pretty much your common garden variety “go here, kill stuff come back” quests with the added bonus that a lot of the creatures and little treasure chests you find can drop tokens that convert into iLevel 596 goodies. Needless to say it’s is not long before you character has a lot of these items covering all armour classes that you can spread around your account, gearing up level 90 alts with out much effort. My characters get to look snazzy and I don’t have to spend hours in LRF/Flex/Normal raids hoping that there is an off chance I get a item of loot week in week out, those days I don’t miss.

Now I get to the reason for this little blog post, while I was in a group of players I met for the purpose of grinding Timeless Coins and Rep a pair of players was trying hard to trick people into flagging themselves “PvP” so they could attack others. Now I have met idiots like these before, back in the days when I clicked on mobs more often than I should (not even sure why I would even have done that now *shrug*). by moving back and forth over the mob you are attacking their hope is for you to accidentally select and attack them, flagging you pvp and they can then attack and kill your character. They get to feel big and clever, you get to waste game time on a pointless corpse run and maybe camped while they wait for you to respawn.

So there I am attacking Ā mob, hack, chop, slash, dodge huge frontal attack, repeat and these two idiots are running back and forth over the mob I am fighting in the vein hope I will click them and be flagged pvp. But as I know their trick already I am being extra careful to not click on screen, using my mouse and buttons to move and fingers on the keys to fire off my attacks. I even kitted my mob a few yards over but they followed me. What stuck me as odd was that they was speaking in English in /s which I thought was odd for Horde, they must have figured out the way the game converts Horde languages to English. That is when I noticed they was Alliance and somehow flagged openly pvp so that they could even attack fellow Alliance!

Once the mob was dead I moved to a safe spot and whispered one of them directly and asked “Was you really trying to get me to be flagged pvp so you could kill me?” I got a reply right away saying “Yes but you was too pussy!” I’m guessing this was meant to goad me into offering them a fight or something but I simply replied “lol You are so Burning Crusade!” never did get a reply back even after I sent the person whisper along the lines of “Nothing to say?”

What I felt was truly sad was that a couple of the people I was with said “Just let them kill you, they will only do it the once!” I just thought why the casual acceptance of this mild bullying in the game, because someone wants to get their jollies by pvping you? So I told my group that there is no way they are getting me flagged pvp and that they can fuck right off! There is a reason I play on a pve realm and that is I don’t want to be looking over my shoulder all the time waiting for some joker to attack me every 10 minutes.

So this round I will consider it a win in my favour.

World of Warcraft: A return.

Posted in Paladin, Pandaaaaaaaas, World of Warcraft with tags , on December 28, 2013 by Banhammer

Well I went back to Azeroth, after about 3 months off, not that I was craving the old world or the grinding and multiple Alts spread over multiple servers but I met someone at work who also plays World of Warcraft. That makes “IRL” people I know who play World of Warcraft up to a heady 1! Yep a whole one person. So I plumped (hmm not a real word? go figure!) up the cash for 1 months worth of subscription fee to see if I could still get on in Azeroth.

First thing I did was do some daily quests, no surprise there, then I headed off to to make sure Saintangus, my Tauren Paladin was enchanted, gemmed and reforged proper, cost me about 500g right of the bat, but at least that was done. Well 30 minutes later on the Timeless Isle I had managed to get myself some 496 iLevel bits which required more expenditure to get it all reforged and correct.

So there I was mooching around the world when my mate invites me to the “Flex Raid” version of The Siege of Orgrimmar, I accept the invite and transported to the instance and I was dead with in about 2 minutes! No ideal what was going on, no addons, no raid warnings, just good old Decursive running, even it is an out of date version. I like that addon šŸ˜€

It seemed I just the raid late in the day and Saintangus found himself in the final boss fight against Garrosh Helscream, it took three tries to get him down, fight go was some mysterious (well to me at least) wipe involving a giant metal spike ball? The second time we was close them something went squiffy not sure what, just not my fault which was good. Third go I died rather suddenly and had to spend the whole fight dead, not a bad thing it turns out as my friend guild defeated Garrosh and I go a nice new pair of trousers to celebrate with šŸ™‚ Oh wait reforging again. . . . in the end I spent a hefty 2000+ gold on reforging, gems, enchants and inscriptions. in the space of a few hours, lucky for me Saintangus was sitting on 23,000 gold (yep that is a lot of dailies I used to do!

Next up Timeless Isle adventures.

To delete or not delete?

Posted in Druid, Mage, Paladin, Warlock, World of Warcraft on April 29, 2013 by Banhammer

Over the years I have spent playing World of Warcraft I have played all the classes available to the adventures of Azeroth. Well I say ā€œallā€ what I mean is I struggle to play the Warlock class past level 15 and have never had one at max level for any expansion, but to be fair to the class it has changed quite a lot over the years and for me may now actually be playable.

It is change that brings me to write todays blog, When World of Warcraft was new I was one of those people who was rolling characters all over the shot. Within a short period I had rolled a Warrior, Mage, Rogue, Paladin and Hunter. I had not rolled a Druid and the Night Elf was the only race at the time that could play that class and I wasnā€™t about to lower my standards and roll and Elf!!

Anyway most of these characters I kept, some I deleted but in the end I had a full compliment of the classes baring Druid and Warlock. I had briefly (several times in moments of boredom rolled Warlocks and Druids only to delete them around level 15 to 24, the classes just never caught my imagination. So I just never bothered with them and carried on playing my other many characters.

Then the burning started!

Sometime during The Burning Crusade expansion I had a little spare time so once again tried rolling a Druid, this time I had managed to do some reading and spoke to some people in the guild I was in and rolled a Balance Druid or as I became to call them ā€œLazor Chickensā€. This was more like it pew pew all over the shot, I really got into the Druid class now and very quickly got max level. For me the class became even better in Wrath of the Lich King expansion and I played the snot out of my Druid and even had a full set of armour from the tier vendor, the only other character that was better equipped was Banhammer.

Cataclysmic intervention.

During the Cataclysm expansion Blizzard did the most amazing thing ever and that was to introduce the ā€œSunwalkersā€ or in game terms, Tauren Paladins! So after levelling Banhammer to Max level the next logical choice (for me at least) was to roll a Tauren Paladin and Saintangus was born. Maxing him out was a pleasure but next onthe list I chose to level my Druid (called Moomin btw) but now Blizzard had changed the class and introduced some Sun/Moon thing (I get it this is the ā€œbalanceā€ thing) but I just could not pick up the class again, my DPS was always lowest and I felt ineffectual.

Ok look, for me being high on the DPS chart is not a big thing, but if my DPS is soo low I feel like I am not bringing anything to the group, even if it is a LFD run, this annoys me no end to the point that the only reason Moomin was max level at the end of the Cataclysm expansion was that I levelled him in the world and avoided dungeons completely.

7 Years later.

I have played since the EU launch of World of Warcraft with only a few months off in total. Yet still I have no Warlock at any level in my character lists (several Paladins, 3 on my main server alone). I think maybe the time has come that I should try out Warlock class again, the issue is this. Should I delete a character on my main server or roll on one of my alternative servers? I personally leaning towards my main server because I have my own guild there and plenty of gold, items and heirlooms to go around. This then is why this particular blog post exists, even if it was once again a long and winding road to get to the point.

Should I delete Moomin the unplayable Balance Druid and roll a Warlock? To delete or not to delete that is the question, a question I am failing to answer myself.

Perma Death!

Posted in Ironman Challenge, World of Warcraft on April 26, 2013 by Banhammer

Sometime ago I tried the ā€œIronman Challengeā€ where the goal was to survive using only grey/white quality, no talent points or having trade skills. I rolled a Paladin, Tauren of course and managed to get her to level 50 before stopping. I stopped mainly because it was a pain in the butt to get armour and weapons which made levelling a slog. In short I was not Iron enough for the Ironman Challenge.

Having recently got my 4th level 90 character my Mage called Windlepoons. The more aware of you will not the achievement says ā€œTerrific Trioā€ and I said ā€œ4thā€ level 90, that is because I have two Paladins at level 90. As the achievement is for different classes I was not awarded it early because of that.


Anyway bringing the conversation back to Perma Death, after getting Windle to max level I decided to try and get back into my Ironman character, the thing is the changes to how characters level in terms of spells means that most of the spells I would be using while levelling requires actually picking a spec, which under the Ironman rules would be a violation. So I decided to roll her (for it is a female Tauren) as a Protection Paladin, I really need to learn to tank with my Paladins but I am finding protection spec a little over ā€œtechnicalā€ for my tastes.

Ironman for a new generation.

What I have decided to try out is my own version of the Ironman challenge. The rules are simple but a little more generous that the normal version.

1. Pick a spec and talent tree options (as you level)
2. No gifting cash, heirlooms, weapons and equipment from other characters.
3. No guild or guild perks.
4. No Auction House.
5. Only items that are gained as quest rewards or player made. Only exceptions will be gems in TBC and above content.
6. No dungeons, LFD or otherwise.

While I am sure there are rules I could add that seems enough for now, but I think you get the gist. With those rules in mind I was thinking of trying again with my own set of rules, the only thing to do is to pick a class and race. Tauren is a good bet for me šŸ˜›

Aaron Dembski-Bowden

Don't worry. None of this blood is mine.

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